Leading Future Architectural Innovation and Testing

Today, building facades face numerous challenges and must have long-lasting durability under various global climatic conditions. Bucalu, adhering to contemporary demands, has comprehensively developed a complete product system, continuously innovating and creating products with high water resistance, low energy consumption, and panoramic minimalist designs. These products, with their exquisite surface treatments and captivating designs, bring immense imagination to creative spaces.

Technically, these building facades must meet multiple stringent standards, and special structures and new solutions often require rigorous testing procedures. We conduct meticulous inspections throughout the entire process, from material components to finished windows and doors. Thus, from its inception, Bucalu established an industry-leading window and door laboratory and testing center. After ten years of relentless effort, our testing center now covers 4,000 square meters, with an investment exceeding 60 million yuan, performing approximately 11,000 tests annually. This has resulted in an extensive database and a wealth of technical expertise.

The Road Ahead: Excellence in Collaboration and Industry Leadership

Bucalu collaborates deeply with national, regional, and industry associations, as well as authoritative architectural design institutions, actively participating in the formulation of core industry standards. We thoroughly understand the personalized needs of our partners, transforming creativity into reality through rigorous testing, controlled costs, and flexible design. To date, we have received over 900 window and door patent authorizations, becoming a pioneer in industry technological innovation and excellence. Bucalu continues to drive industry development, leading the future of global architectural technology.

4000 +

Testing Center

1100 +

Annual Testing


Testing Items


Detection Equipment

11 +

Participating Standards